Thursday, September 20, 2007

I knew this would happen

Well, it happened. I got sick. I came down with a slight fever last night that was gone this morning but left me with a might bit of a stomach ailment (please read between the lines). The main problem is that I can´t keep anything in my system long enough to actually absorb the energy and nutrients, so I´m really weak right now (hence all the internet activity as my fingers still work). I´m a bit concerned considering that I´m supposed to leave for the Huayhuash in 2 more days, but I plan on taking a trip to the pharmacy tonight for some rehydration salts and then resting all day tomorrow.

Oh man, I would sell my soul for a meal from Taqueria y Fonda, the shawarma cart on 120th or Teriyaki USA right now.


Aaron said...

Oh man, I was waiting for this post. No matter how jealous I was of your trip, all that envy dissipated thinking of your current, ahem, situation. Fear not, it will pass. And when it does, make sure to restock on meds in case it hits again on the trek.

When I Googled "diahreahha in peru" this was the first result:

Joey said...

Wow, that definition is classic. Fear not, as I will be carrying a miniature pharmacy with me on the next trek. I have never taken so many drugs between the coca, antibiotics, glucose tablets and altitude shit on such a consistent basis. The sad part is absolutely NONE of them are recreational. Ahhh, the ¨joys¨ of adventure.