Friday, September 21, 2007

Moving on out

I barely have any time, so this will be short. I´m leaving for the Huayhuash tomorrow morning at 5am and I still have to pack (eek), so you guys won´t be hearing from me for the better part of two weeks. I´m very excited for the trek, especially since I finally got my stomach under control and stocked up on meds.

Today was a great day as I finally managed to catch up with Jim Sykes, who I know from Seattle through the infamous Sid. He´s been living down here full time for the past 4 years and change, so it was great to pick his brain and talk about his experiences. I was bit worried when I first met up with him (I asked the part owner of California Cafe if she knew him and she called his wife and had her send him on down. Awesome.), but we ended up talking for 5 hours straight about nearly everything under the sun (music, birds, bicycles, politics, energy, overpopulation, migration, mountain lions, books, Master and Commander starring Russel Crowe), which should really surprise none of you. When I return from the trek it sounds like him and I will be going on some adventures. Definitely some out of the way ruins to the North and possibly an overnight stay with one of his Quechua friends in one of the mountain villages. Promises to be an interesting blog entry or two, no? In exchange for his hospitality, I´ve offered to help him out with a project that he might need an extra set of hands on in preparation for the rainy season, which officially arrives in 8 days (do the math, and pray that my raingear is still up to par).

Okay my friends, I really have to go. Take care of yourselves while I´m gone, I miss all of you.

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