Friday, October 12, 2007

Getting a new look and resting my 70 year old hip

Well, I was all set up to head out on a solo trek from Olleros to Chavin de Huantar today, but alas, shit happens and plans change. I didn´t mention it before, but I had already delayed my trek by a day due to waking up with a strange pain in my hip. This would not have concerned me nearly as much if I hadn´t gone out drinking the night before and then slept in a dorm room with Ginger Bender Paul as my only companion. I´m not saying that anything happened while I was asleep, but let´s just say that we´re all a bit suspicious. Anyway, my hip has really hurt the last two days, which I assume is simply from doing so much trekking in so little time with so little rest. So, the trek will have to wait until tomorrow, which means spending a day hanging around Huaraz drinking coffee, maybe heading out to some ruins right outside of town and reading. Life is tough.

My aching, 70 year old arthritic hip and the delay in my plans that it´s caused have had some positive side effects, however. First, it allowed Paul, Dennis and I to get some really nice facial-hair work done and second it gave us, along with Kevin, Caroline and Javier, a nice excuse to go out and have a proper night on the town last night. Okay, we stayed at one bar the entire night and it was only us in the place, but still, it was a good time none the less.
Talk to you soon my friends.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I haven't even read the posting yet but I'm ready to pass judgment. [and really, what's better than an ignorant judgment?]

FOUL, you look just foul.

Again, well done.