Friday, October 19, 2007

I was ready to leave Huaraz, but.......

Originally tonight was supposed to be my last in Huaraz. After 5 weeks in and around this place, I was finally ready to move on, heading out with my friends Jim and Gladys to the village of Tantamayo and the surrounding Yarowilca ruins. However, the Peruvian governement kindly stepped in and delayed my departure, lacing the entire country under house arrest from 8am to 6pm on Sunday. Why? A national census, moron. According to the National Police, anyone seen on the street during the selected time period will be fined and any business found open will be fined and closed for a period of time. Really, I wish the US governement had enough balls to do stuff like this. Instead, their too busy checking on the library records of their citizens, even though only those under the age of 12, parents of said children and old people actually have a library card these days. As a result of the Peruvian government insisting on knowing how many people actually live within its borders, Jim, Gladys and I have delayed our trip until Monday morning. So it goes. In the meantime I will be attending Javier´s birthday party tonight and rock climbing with Dennis, Paul and Becs tomorrow. Life could be worse.

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